Dental Clinic

Bright smile brighter future, so don’t hide a smile. Dentists are important for monitoring, diagnosing, and treating oral cavity infections and maintaining the function and aesthetic of the teeth. Many oral disorders and defects can be indicative of other serious complications. A general dentist may recommend patients to their primary care physician or a specialist for additional examination or treatment, or inversely.

Dental health is a field of study that focuses on the teeth and mouth. It includes tooth repair or extraction, tooth straightening and correction for proper occlusion, and the design, production, and fitting of false teeth and other medical implants. X-rays are utilized to visualize problems that are not visible during an examination. Caries in teeth are drilled to remove unhealthy parts and filled with various materials using local anesthesia. When decay reaches the base of a tooth, it increases the risk of infection of the nerve and needs root-canal surgery. Extracted teeth are replaced with caps for single teeth and full or partial prosthetics or implants for multiple teeth. Moreover, dentists educate patients about proper dental hygiene, check and clean teeth, and apply fluoride chemicals to help prevent cavities.

How Should I Care for My Teeth and Gums?

There are four basic steps to caring for teeth and gums:

  1. Brushing
  2. Flossing
  3. Rinsing
  4. Eating right
  5. Visiting the dentist

Eating Right and Dental Health

For good dental health, eat a variety of foods, avoiding those that contain sugars and starches. These foods produce the most acids in the mouth, and the longer they stay in the mouth, the more they can damage the teeth. Hard “sucking candies” are especially harmful because they stay in the mouth a long time.

Snacking on sugary foods can lead to tooth decay because most people do not brush after snacks. Starchy snack foods, like potato chips, stick to the teeth. Avoid snacking on:

  • Candies, cookies, cakes, and pie
  • Sugary gum
  • Crackers, breadsticks, and chips
  • Dried fruits and raisins

Here at Dr. Shaista Lodhi Medical Centre, all your teeth-related problems are being catered to by our professionals. Professional dental services are available at our Medicle center, North nazimabad Karachi. Dental Services we are offering are:

Consultation / Checkup
Root Canal Treatment (RCT)
Porcelain Crown (3/4 crown = bridge)
Zirconia Crown
Gic Filling (Temporary)
Composite Filling / Light Cure Filling
Silver Filling / Amalgam Filling
Tooth Extraction (Normal)
Wisdom Extraction
Complete Denture (Upper)
Complete Denture (Lower)
Soft Lining Denture (Upper)
Soft Lining Denture (Lower)
Partial Denture (Per Tooth)
Bleaching / Whitening
Ortho Treatment (Braces Upper + Lower)
Dental Implant
Veneers (Front cap)